Abbey Etna Rotary Swagers
The Abbey Etna Machine Company, established in 1901, built rotary Swagers for decades earning an industry wide reputation for quality, dependability and endurance. In 2002, Jerl Machine, Inc. acquired the Abbey Etna line of rotary Swagers and continues the tradition of excellence and durability.
Features of the Abbey Etna Rotary Swager
- Heavy duty
- Highly standardized
- Capable of long tapers in a single pass
- Reduces, sizes and forms round tubes and solids
- Hot swaging
- Semi-automatic feed systems
- O.D. and I.D. holding services
- Roll type feeds
- Die closing attachments, used for center reductions
- The 150 Swager is also available with a 3.000″ wide die slot. The max. tube capacity is light gauge 2.000″. The motor spec is 10 hp.
- The 190 series max. tube capacity of 2.250″ applies to light gauge tube only.
- The 190 through 600 series Swagers are available as two (2) or four (4) die units.
- The 900 series Swager which has a 8.000″ max. tube capacity and a 4.000″ max. solid capacity with an 8″ to 16″ die length.
- The specifications shown above are typical of two (2) die Swagers.
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